contact, in fact he just opened the door and then walked back into his office with his head down. Not knowing what to do, I followed him and heard him mumble.... "What can I do for you?" We were standing in his office as I explained what I needed. As I explained, he kept his head down and moved stuff around his office (in a very busy kinda way), never looking up, never making eye contact. He answered my questions and I was ready to leave when he asked if I'd like to take a look at the facility. I followed him into another part of the building and by following I mean, he was approximately 5 to 7 feet in front of me as I practically ran in my high heels after him. He took me through the various rooms, explaining things to me, but never came close to looking toward me. We were standing side by side in a hallway as he explained one of the services they had. I glanced at him like you do when you're listening to someone and noticed how he stared straight ahead as he talked. I know he knew I was looking at him and he refused to look in my direction, which made me more curious and almost mad. I had the urge to grab his head and whip it around so he'd have to look at me. But, with Murphy being my cousin and all, I figured I wouldn't realize my own strength and end up breaking his neck which would have been difficult to explain to the police... "Well officer, I was just trying to get him to look at me." If it so happened that I didn't break his neck, I was afraid the move would come across more aggressive and off-putting, making me look like the weird one. I told my husband about the encounter and he agreed it was odd and suggested I check out other businesses before signing an agreement or contract. As I thought about it later, I had an overwhelming desire to look him up on America's Most Wanted... But then again, I would need to know what he looked like. Then, my imagination took over the whole encounter. Within a matter of nano-seconds, my diagnosis of him ranged from being autistic to a serial killer looking for his next victim. That kind of impression can not be good for business... I'm just sayin.
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