It's been a good week!!! I went to the neurologist Tuesday and he totally fixed the dizziness. He couldn't do anything about the other stuff but the dizziness he nipped in the bud. Of course, part of that cure was wearing a ridiculous soft collar for 48 hours with instructions "Not to move my head in any direction" and "You must sleep sitting up". Yes! That was tons of fun, looked like a giant flea collar and stunted my style for a full 48 hours! UGH!!! Even though the collar was soft, it hurt like heck, not to mention that it pushed all of my neck fat up to my cheeks and made me look like I had a permanent pout.Explaining the purpose of the collar was even more entertaining because... well.... it all just sounded ridiculous, but I took the collar off yesterday morning and no dizziness at all, even when I laid down. So, yay!!! I'm speaking in complete sentences now without hesitation and I haven't had a bad headache since Tuesday. That's about as normal as it gets for me. Seriously,l I'm feeling sooo much better and am very thankful that I am. My husband has been oh so wonderful to me and I can't thank him enough for being the sweet guy he is. The whole "Falling in the hole" thing has been tougher on him than it has been on me. Yesterday he sent me one of those questionnaire things that people email you. This was a bucket list thingy. At the end of the questionnaire it asked "What do you see yourself doing in 10 years"? My answer was "The same ole, same ole only slower". A couple of hours later he sent me a bucket list of things that I have done, adventures that we have shared and memories that we hold dear. It was a stark reminder that I have had a good life and it's not over until the fat lady sings or you just give up on your dreams. I'm not sure what my dreams are right now but when I figure it out... Buddy move over because I'll be ready to geterdone! Yesterday I got a sweet surprise visit from my Besty... Charlotte Webb and her daughter. They dropped by to give me my birthday present (only 18 days late!). It was picked out by Alicia especially for "Aunt JacJac" and I love it. It's a framed print that says "The Dreams You Dream Today Are Things You'll Do Tomorrow" which is perfect for the way I've been feeling lately. I've got the perfect spot picked out for it (a blank spot in my bedroom if you can imagine) and tonight I'll hammer it in place (all willie nillie, which drives my husband nuts), so I'll always be reminded that dreams do come true. They caught me as I was leaving work and we hooted and hollered out in the parking lot for 20 minutes. She was bragging about how much she loved the "Beauty Bible" I got her for her birthday. She took it to Walmart to pick out new stuff so she wouldn't look so old... LOL! she had never hear of primer before, which made me belly laugh. After all, who paints an old house without priming it first. I love her!! She makes me laugh telling me stories of being a mom of a teenage girl.... Been there, done that, boy is it a trip!! Her daughter has grown up to be such a beautiful girl.... has the face of a doll, just like her mom. I swear, Charlotte and I have a lot of water under the bridge and we're both paddling our canoe upstream as fast as we can. She brings out the best in me... the part I'd almost forgotten was there and the part I like the most. She makes me belly laugh whenever we're together and she can put me in a state of shock with some of the things she says. I forget how much alike we are until we get together and start chattering like a couple of magpies. My boss came out as they were leaving and told me that he could hear us all the way in his office (like that was a big deal), to which I replied "You should have seen us when we worked together, that's the way it was all day long." We had such a good time. Gosh, that was a long "Honkin" time ago!!! So long in fact it was a time when we used to dream about being grown up and now we dream of staying young..... My how time flies.
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