Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Time for flowers, chocolate and all sorts of mushy love notes. When I was small, my Pastor used to tell the congregation to give people their roses while they are living. It is so true that often people influence us, impact our lives and they never even know it.

A man we used to go to church with, wondered in my office this afternoon. He immediately recognized me and called me by name. We chatted for a few minutes, I directed him to where he needed to be and then I sat and allowed myself to walk down memory lane with the memories I had of him... I found myself smiling and actually laughing at the thought of some of those memories. I thought to myself what an impact he had on me and my husband in those early years of marriage. What a shame that I didn't say that to him while we were talking. Mr. Gary Criswell is a person who just makes you feel better after you've been in his presence. I've never seen him without a smile or an encouraging word. That's why I'd like to hand Mr. Criswell a dozen roses of appreciation today. Thank you for the times you've made me laugh, taught my Sunday school class and yes for being in the church play with me. I believe you've made my life a better place to be and I just want to say Happy Valentine's Day and thank you.

When Mike and I first married, our Sunday School teacher was Mrs. Helen Jones. She was always sweet, funny, and was just a wonderful person. She is celebrating Valentine's Day with the Father this year. I'll never forget the time she came for a visit after the birth of my baby. I was the typical flustered new Mom and she gave me no warning she was dropping by. She is one of the few people I would open my door to without advance notice. She came in and made herself at home on my couch. Lucky for me the house was tidy, but it was in need of a good dusting. As we talked she absentmindedly doodled in the dust on my coffee table. Had that been anyone else I would have been mortified, but I knew that Helen wasn't sitting there judging my housekeeping skills, she was there visiting a new Mother and offering words of encouragement. I'd like to give Helen a dozen roses for Valentine's Day and tell her how much her unconditional love meant to me as a new mom. She may be gone but she is not forgotten.

Some people just have a way of capturing your heart and never letting it go. Robin and Larry Hutto, along with Fontaine and Billy Yates came into our lives, forever changing the texture of our spiritual world. We rarely see Robin and Larry because they moved, but Fontaine and Billy still go to church with us. If I have a special prayer request, Fontaine is the first one I notify. She is a special woman and our church is so blessed to have her and her family with us. Robin, Larry, Fontaine and Billy, I'd like to give you a dozen roses for Valentine's Day and to tell you, how very much I love and appreciate every little thing you do and just the special people you are. You have made a difference in my life!

I've been blessed by a multitude of people who have impacted my life for the better. Valentine's Day is the perfect time to stop and reflect on those you appreciate, say a prayer of thanksgiving and then go out there and impact someone yourself. I'm getting my shoes on, I've got work to do! Happy Valentine's Day Friend.