A fact of life is, loving makes you vulnerable. The more you love someone, the more you trust. The more you trust someone, the more you relax the walls that protect you from a heart wound or a stab in the back. Another fact of life is, people are fickle. It makes no difference how well you know them, how much you love them, how many memories you've made, how many tears you've cried together, or how many times you've joined hand to hand, heart to heart and prayed for each other. In a heartbeat the enemy can come in and whisper candy coated lies to the most spiritual person leaving them to decide you have been measured and found lacking the right stuff to continue down life's road along side them. When that happens, you mop up the blood (because typically you feel like someone has ripped your heart out), you count the blessings for the time you had them in your life, and love them at a safe distance, preferably outside their striking range. God will either restore or replace the relationship. Regardless of which direction it takes, keep a sweet spirit which goes completely against what the flesh wants to do. If you keep a right spirit, you will come out on the winning side. Friends might desert you but God will always have your back.
Phil. 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Keeping that in mind will reduce the open wounds and open the wounded heart to a holy healing.