Monday, September 29, 2014
A Gross Understatement
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Multi-hues of Fall
I’m Baa-ack, but not in a creepy Poltergeist kind of way. Ticks took over the outdoors this summer driving me into the gym where I wanted to stab my eyes out after 15 minutes on the treadmill. I ventured out last night and returned home tick free!!! This makes me a happy little walker. There is nothing I love better than watching the green of summer change to the multi-hues of fall.
Monday, September 22, 2014
My Bewitched Moment Lesson
This morning I realized how much modern technology has changed my life. I LOVE to read and I LOVE my Kindle. I tend to tear through a book quicker than necessary. When I was young I would read the last few pages first because I couldn’t stand the suspense of how it would end. I don’t do that any more (just like I quit opening my Christmas presents and rewrapping them before Christmas).... I've grown up.... Some. But I do breeze through a good read. This morning I was reading a new Bible study which was in the old fashion book format…. You remember the old books… With pages you have to manually turn. When I got to the end of the page, I automatically tapped the side of the page like I do on my Kindle. For a second, I guess I thought I was Samantha on Bewitched and could just twerk my nose.... NO, NO!.... That. Is. Not. Right! There was no nose twerking in the Bewitched days! I thought I could Twitch.... (I Googled it), Samantha (according to Wikipedia) twitched her nose to get things done. So, like I was saying, I guess for a second I thought I could twitch my nose to turn the page on my book. Talk about feeling like a doofus! I've officially become used to having instant information at my finger tips which can be a double edged sword. Knowledge can lead to pride and arrogance. It can cause me to rely more on my "knowledge" than my faith. I must be careful to remember that knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Instead of seeking spiritual guidance (through prayer and reading the Bible), I can just Google any question I have, spiritual or otherwise. When my mind went off on this rabbit trail (all because I tried to tap my book page), it reminded me of the story in Genesis of "The Tower of Babel". I don't want to become "self-sufficient" in what I think I know, regardless of how much information I have available. I've been humbled by God before, and it is not a pleasant experience. "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" Prov. 16:18. And goodness knows I don't want to be haughty, just that word sounds disgusting. So I guess God took me on this rabbit trail to keep me humble today and being the kind-hearted soul I am, I thought I would share my Bewitched moment with you to keep you from getting all haughty too.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Here's Working With You Girl

Monday, September 15, 2014
Gloom Chasers
Be it a hormonal surge or the usual Monday urge to be glum, getting a shoe catalogue in the mail didn’t brighten my day. Typically, a new shoe catalogue is a reason to celebrate, not so much today. I opened it up with anticipation, and then quickly realized that unless something drastic happens, I wouldn’t need new fall shoes since I very likely will be jobless and penniless by the end of the year. Of course, my shoe obsession has never been about “need” in the first place but it’s always nice to have somewhere to wear new shoes if you to find a pair you simply can’t live without. The boots on the cover are rain boots and I think they would go quite nice with the pity party I’m having. Happy feet are a gloom chasers for sure, especially when they are covered with colorful twirly swirls that repeal wet soggy days. Sign me up for a pair or maybe two.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Scarred Heart
Monday, September 8, 2014
That Changes Everything
Today was the baby shower for my grand baby, little PitterPatter who has yet to be named. I am told a name will not be given until it has been divinely revealed to the parents, and not a minute before. This is when I worry about things like... "God's timing isn't always our timing." and silly little things only the faithless sweat over... I can hear my son, the ever carefree lad that he is, assuring me... "It will be right as rain mom, right as rain." When I look into his smiling eyes just seconds before I feel a meltdown coming on, I can believe it will be right as rain, but I'd feel SO much better if he simply chose one of the stunning combination of names I've sent him for weeks on end. He doesn't like pressure and he hates to conform, so then I worry that my suggestions pushed him to the edge of a cliff leaving my grand baby with no name.... "Oh Holy Spirit, please speak now." There will be nothing conventional about this birth, just as there has been nothing conventional about my son (which is one of his most endearing qualities), but is also a big hurdle for an event planner (EVENT PLANNER, not control freak... Event Planner), like myself. The lack of wedding planning almost sent me over the edge simply because I didn't have anything to stress over because we were just supposed to show up and things would magically happen like a herd of fairy godmothers showed up, sprinkled pixie dust and waa-laa, behold a magical wedding at the foothills of Colorado done with absolute perfection and perfectly them in every way. That is how these two love birds roll. With all that I am, I'm doing my best to "go with the flow", to be a "I'm totally down with that", natural born, low maintenance, tree hugging, laid back Lolli prepared to adhere to all the written in stone boundaries like "no dangling my grandchild by his ankles over a balcony" or "spiking his pumped breast milk with high fructose syrup." As if I would do any of those things in the first place! The list goes on (I'm sure), but those are the high points. Today's parenting is a new frontier. The new generation of parents believe in the age old theory that one generation gleans from the mistakes of the previous generation, tosses them into the recycle bin, creating a parenting revolution so far above the standards of generations past, that all of our sage advice and hands-on experience is nothing but filthy rags like the pointless righteousness of the Pharisees. This will be like teaching a old dog new tricks (I would be the old dog in this analogy). Grandparenting by gut instinct will not be enough. This child will be raised by a new generation (which is a good thing because I'm really tired). I'm not the one in charge (Thank you Jesus), and that changes everything.
Friday, September 5, 2014
The Future is Held in Very Capable Nail Scarred Hands
When we were first told that our company was for sell and we would probably be losing our jobs within 90 days, my first instinct was to jump ship. I don't mind change as much as I mind uncertainty. Every place I have ever worked has become like a second home. Everyone I knows has a stash of personal records, bills, pictures at work where it seems you spend most of your waking hours. A few days after the announcement.... After the fog had slightly lifted, I packed up my personal belongings and brought them home. I didn't want to have to pack them under duress or the watchful eye of HR. I left my blingy stapler, my stiletto tape dispenser and a few other odds and ends I actually used, but everything else was hauled home, box by heartbreaking box. I stacked the boxes of "stuff" in my girl cave hoping against hope that I would have the opportunity to take them back and unpack them as if nothing had happened and all was right with the world. Today I was looking for a piece of paper to write a note on. I reached in one of the boxes and pulled out a copy of a note I had written to one of the boys several years ago. When I say one of the boys.... I refer to one of my sons from another mother, different father, but who I love as my own. Emotionally I feel like I have a dozen kids or so, just as my kids know they have multiple parents/adults who have spoken into their lives. We've spent 20 plus years making memories with our extended family and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I first looked at the note I didn't remember who it was written for, but as I begin to read, the memory of the Fall they all left for college came rolling back. One of "The Girlfriends" had told me that her son was having a really bad week, which broke my heart. He was away at college, but I still felt the need to reach out and comfort him. Little did I know that years later I would run across a copy of the note and the words would be a much needed encouragement to myself as well as so many others I know. This is the note that was sent to him, but is now meant for me and all of my friends at the office..... To each of you I reach out with what will hopefully be healing words in trying times..... I love you each and every one of you and I pray for blessing beyond our imagination because that is just how big our God really is!
"I just wanted to drop you a line of encouragement. Your Mom said you haven't had a very good week. I'll tell you what I've told Aja many times in the last couple of years.... Boring lives don't make interesting stories. Adversity has a way of making us dig deeper than we would normally dig, causing us to reach untapped potential we never knew existed within ourselves. When God chooses to bring you through the trial instead of lifting you out of the trial, you gain insight into yourself and you grow far beyond the limits that being comfortable provides. God has a way of bringing us to his expected end, even if he takes what we believe to be an alternate route. I am praying for you and believing that good things are in store for you in this upcoming season. Don't be discouraged, don't be distressed, just dig your heels in and give them all you've got. When you don't think you have anything left, God will come through with that little bit extra. I am praying specifically that you will find favor in those in authority over you. God knows where he wants you to be and he knows how to get you there. I believe in you, and I want you to believe in yourself...."
Love Jac
Guys, I know it's hard to accept the fact that we have no control over what happens, but what I do know is neither do those who sit in their ivory towers. God hung the moon and the stars and created the ivory by which the towers are built. It may not be fun.... It may not be what we planned.... But our future is held in very capable nail scarred hands.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Change as I See It

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Said with a manic giggle |