Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hope & The Circle of Life

Two weeks after the loss of my Mom, my husband and I along, with my Dad went to OKC for family night at my daughter’s. My brother and his wife were there and my kids, minus the youngest. We were sitting around the living room chatting with each other. As I was talking to my sister-in-law I noticed a sudden silence in the room. I turned to see what everyone was so quiet about, and everyone was staring at me. As I looked from face to face waiting for someone to tell me I was doing that merited the attention, my son tilted his head with a quick jerk toward my daughter-in-law. I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders, held up an envelope and almost apologetically said they had my birthday present/card. There was a hush and then a very high pitched squeal that came from my toes and worked its way up as I reached for the card... Think Darrell Hannah’s mermaid squeal in "Splash". I knew, I knew, I knew there was hope rising up from the ashes of grief. I opened the card laughing, squealing and crying all at once. My card held the most beautiful words ever written...

I'm going to be a Lolli and my husband is going to be a Pops, making us none other than Lollipops!!! Of course that's our idea, I'll answer to any name such as "Hey You!". Just the idea of hearing the little pitter patter of tiny feet takes me to a happy happy place. It is well with my soul.

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