Monday, June 15, 2015

My Daughter, My Hero

The third week of June is always a busy week for us. My two oldest children's birthdays fall on June 15 & 17th, with Father's day usually the same weekend. Today is my beautiful daughter's birthday. The day holds sweet memories.  The feeling of her bursting from my womb in a tidal wave of water and blood. The memories of that first cry and watching her search for our voices as we caught the first glimpse of nothing short of the miracle. The joy didn't end in the delivery room. She captivated our hearts from the moment we knew she was on her way into this world. She was a tenacious toddler, strong willed and independent. Those qualities have served her well as she has conquered her fears, traveled the world in an environment not for the weak of heart. She served 9 years in the Navy, facing each and every hurdle with the same tenacious nature she had as a child. Her strength and courage is a quality I can't hep but admire. In so many ways, she is my hero, but in every way she is my daughter and I couldn't be more proud of the woman she has become.

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