Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wedding Road Trip - I Got Cratered!

I love Colorado like I love shoes, but the drive there is like a foot fungus on steroids. Hours and hours of barren land, endless roads and no Dr. Pepper 10 makes for a long drive. But hey this wasn't just vacation, it was my son's wedding so there was fun to be had and friends to have it with. In all the years we've been going to Colorado for vacation, we have always driven right past the Capulin Volcano in New Mexico. By that point in the trip I've always just been ready to be there already, and from the road it looks like a giant ant hill to me. But this year we had a vested interest in taking a closer look. One of our friends had a  Niece who works for the park and we wanted to drop by to say hi. To be perfectly honest which always gets me into the perfect amount of trouble, I wasn't particularly excited about the stop and didn't expect it to be interesting or even scenic due to the whole ant hill appearance. When we turned off of the main highway onto the road leading to the park, the landscape instantly took a surprisingly beautiful turn. When we got to the visitors center and got out of the car, the weather alone was enough to make me glad I came, perfect weather without a doubt. We had the pleasure of a guided tour and I'll have to admit that, like so much in life, the view from the road is so deceiving. The view from the rim was spectacular, the narrative was interesting, the hike was refreshing (although you better be in shape) and the all around experience was worth getting off of the beaten path. So yes, I got cratered at the Capulin Volcano National Park because there is beauty in the most barren of places, surprises when the road seems the most boring and nothing like a good detour to take your mind off the hours of driving still to be had. I was glad for the chance to stretch my legs and to take in the amazing view. Thanks for the tour Lynn, it was the perfect beginning to an amazing vacation!

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